Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Alfred Adask : we are nothing but Cattle to Them!

Infowars talks with constitutionalist Alfred Adask about the Liberty Dollar raid in 2007 and the conviction of its founder, Bernard von NotHaus, who was charged with "making, possessing and selling his own coins" in competition with the private banker cartel, the Federal Reserve. Alfred Adask, the publisher of the AntiShyster News Magazine. Adask is the founder of one of the largest legal reform organizations, Citizens for Legal Reform. He ran for the Texas Supreme Court in 1992 and received 201,000 votes. Earlier this year, he was the target of a CBS 60 Minutes hit piece on the Sovereign Citizen movement. In response, Adask penned a piece entitled "Am I About To Be Labeled a 'Domestic Terrorist'?" "While these forms of anti-government activities do not involve violence, they are every bit as insidious and represent a clear and present danger to the economic stability of this country," the Justice Department said about the case.

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