The sovereign citizen /Freeman on the land Blog
Are you a State Sovereign Free Man or A UNITED STATES CITIZEN?
All of us are originally born a natural ‘sovereign free man.’ As soon as you sign the Social Security SS-5 form, you start your very own trust account in the Corporation of the UNITED STATES. This is where you officially separate yourself from your original status as sovereign born free man.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
America 2020 -- Food Shortages & Farmers Bankruptcies
America 2020 -- Food Shortages & Farmers Bankruptcies
The head of the UN World Food Program repeatedly warned us that we would soon be facing “famines of biblical proportions”, and his predictions are now starting to become a reality. We have already seen food riots in some parts of Africa, and it isn’t too much of a surprise that certain portions of Asia are really hurting right now. But I have to admit that I was kind of shocked when I came across an article about the “hunger crisis” that has erupted in Latin America. According to Bloomberg, “a resurgence of poverty is bringing a vicious wave of hunger in a region that was supposed to have mostly eradicated that kind of malnutrition decades ago”. We are being told that food shortages are becoming acute from Mexico City all the way down to the southern tip of South America, and those that are the poorest are being hit the hardest.
Saturday, June 13, 2020
👉Sovereign Debt, Matters : We are in a Fat Ugly Monster Bubble !!
👉Sovereign Debt, Matters : We are in a Fat Ugly Monster Bubble !!
Total U.S. debt reaches $55.9 trillion amid significant increases in corporate and government borrowing. Total domestic nonfinancial debt jumped by 11.7% to $55.9 trillion, the Fed said in its quarterly statement on domestic financial accounts. The debt had increased by 3.2% in Q4 of 2019. The biggest debt gain comes on the business side, rising 18.8%, while federal government debt also jumped 14.3%. Total federal debt recently passed $26 trillion. We have raised 96% of that debt ($24.5 TRILLION debt) since 1981 or less than 39 years ago. It took the US over two centuries to accumulate its first trillion dollars in federal debt, a number which was surpassed for the first time in the fourth quarter of 1981. What is stunning, however, is the recent pace of increase: total debt was "only" $23.5 trillion on March 23, the day the Fed unleashed unlimited QE, meaning that in two and a half months, the US has added $2.5 trillion in debt. And the punchline: the US added the last trillion dollars in the shortest time on record, achieving this remarkable feat in just one month, since May 4, when the total debt was just under $25 trillion. We added an extra trillion in just last month. That means the debt will double by 2022. Imagine if the average middle-class American planned on doubling his debt by 2022. What could be bought with money totally another mortgage balance, student loan balance, car loan balance, and credit card balance. We're talking $500,000 or more plus salary, to spend in just two years! The COVID effects are starting to snowball down a hill. Wait until the forbearance period runs out, and housing gets sucked in. The roller coaster is just getting started. Fiat bugs and mutants who say debt doesn't matter are going to find out the hard way that debt does indeed matter. The new slogan, sovereign debt, matters! We are 26 Trillion dollars in debt. The government has agreed on a stimulus of 5.5 Trillion dollars and another 3 Trillion dollars next (8.5 Trillion dollars so far). This basically means that our national debt is going to be in 30 Trillion dollars range. Household debt rose 3.9% due in large part to an increase on the mortgage side of 3.2%. Consumer debt rose 1.6%. Only Private-Citizens with Student Loans get NO BANKRUPTCY PROTECTION. I give it a couple of months when the credit cards of the people who are already maxed out stop working, and there's no new income to pay off the minimum. Meanwhile, food will be more expensive, and EBT benefits will not rise in tandem. From 2016-2020 we have tripled our budget deficit and increased our national debt by 20%. Future generations are going to have to pay for this. It's very clear that EVERY President keeps adding a few Trillion dollars, and more specifically, Trump and CoronaVirus are adding a lot of Trillions of dollars to our national debt. This debt is like an ever-heavier weight spread across a population that isn't growing, and eventually, the policies of avoidance will crush whatever is under it. There is NO WAY we will pay off the national debt. We will simply pay the interest until we can no longer even afford that; then it's a complete collapse. The big cities will go first and hard. Supply chain disruptions will be massive, and the cost of living is off the charts, so people will get behind the eight balls almost immediately when the people who are living above their means suddenly lose their income. Then come the street gangs. There is a reason Trump is activating National Guard on the east and west coasts, and it's not because they are fighting the virus. The Collapse is inevitable. No politician has the guts or brains to save the current system. The time to protect whatever wealth you have is now, as stagflation and eventually, hyperinflation will wipeout whatever value is left of the U.S. dollar. It will never get fixed until the system collapses. Talking tax increases and benefit cuts does not win you votes. Trump wants to be re-elected if that means financial collapse and the middle class destroyed, so be it. Maga! He said he was the King of Debt, and he ain't lying. Winning! Which is why there is exactly NO alternative to saving in gold. "Investment" is dead anyway. Return on Investment has been reduced to zero under a flood of printed paper credit. Bank accounts are certificates of confiscation. There's zero yields anywhere unless you are prepared to accept the enormous risk, and real-terms, organic "economic growth" has been gone for years, never mind what the useless "GDP" data releases blurb out. Just put the debt into the stock market like the rest of us. No risk and unlimited money! We're ALL gamblers now, bettors because that's all that is left. The Weimar Republic will look like paradise compared to what's coming. Extraordinary to me how the average Joe really has no clue about the epic seriousness of all this. Printing still requires supplies and labor; computer digits don't. And that, my friends, is significant. Fun Fact: By mid 1923, Germany's central banks were using more than 30 paper factories, almost 1,800 printing presses, and 133 companies to print banknotes. And don't forget about the $250 trillion in unfunded liabilities boys and girls. That is debt, no matter how you slice and dice it. America is $250T in the hole, but everything's going to be alright, folks, not a problem. That includes the unfunded promises for Medicare and social security. It’s unfunded even though our employers and we sent the money in - because corrupt congress stole it. So they will have to borrow to make the payouts - which seems like we paid twice. Now we see why smaller government is better government; They stole more than our social security payments. They undermined our life's work into nothing and made us pay for the weapons they will use to shut us up. The US economy to debt ration is equal to that of Greece’s ten years ago, and that is using a US pre-Corona economy. The next six months will be interesting. The rate of U.S. Debt growth has gone parabolic! There is no turning back from this insanity. The only out is through a smoking pit of disaster, crawling out the other side to start over. The federal government has a huge balance sheet. Oil and gas leases totaling more than $150T for starters. It must be nice to leave your fiscal mess to someone else. Politicians only know how to spend. The nation is bankrupt. Sooner or later, we will have to declare bankruptcy; or borrow from an unknown source to pay the debts. Then whoever we borrow from will pretty much own the US. If the government continues to print money, then money, in general, will start to be worthless. All the people who worked hard and saved and lived within their means will see that money’s value decrease because of over-saturation. I cannot honestly believe some people don’t understand that if you receive money for doing nothing, then it needs to be repaid. It was not enough to hold the markets up. They needed Unlimited QE, i.e., another 2 trillion dollar injection now. What they got is a slow drip, while Jerome sounded like he was the candyman to equities. He did say markets should price in risk, meaning no PPT saves and let the markets fall until they find a now Limited QE medium. Robinhood traders will get slaughtered, and the Fed looks good. That was just to bail out the 1% who own stocks and bonds. It is going to cost a bit more to keep the other 99% from burning the country to the ground. Until the GOP Manifesto for "Tycoon-Tax-Freedom" is firmly dealt with, and "Fair Share Responsible Taxation is restored and a Wealth Tax on the 1% Oligarchy who have accumulated 50% eliminate "Greed-Breed" entitlements. We can start by closing the tax loopholes for huge corporations and remove the roll-back of the taxes they paid. Thirty-five percent may have been a bit much. However, thirty percent would still afford the big corporations to make profits and produce millionaire/billionaire CEOs. Twenty-one percent is obscene. Must close the loopholes. Everyone should expect taxes to increase, both federal, state, county, city, and of course, when there is a budget deficit, the first thing to go are social programs and education. This is how wealth transfers happen in the US. The Fed bails out airlines, Hedge fund companies, banks, etc. etc. i.e., their buddies mega corporations without needing to pay it back. The fed makes money off the interest for hitting some keys on a computer creating fake currency, and the hard-working Americans via taxes pay it back. So we pay for extremely wealthy people to get even more wealthy. Meanwhile, small businesses only hope they can qualify for a loan (most won't get one), and they have to pay it back with interest. The FED exists to support greed and irresponsibility, simple as that. The US, Japan & Euro zones all need to man up and accept the mistakes they've made. Put greed aside, and let markets/economies clean themselves out. Stop this money printing bailout mentality and return to free-market roots. Otherwise, this thing will just keep going on, and reward for effort will be a thing of the past. Stop rewarding stupid & corrupt behavior! Stop corporate welfare end wall st, and the stock market that way companies have nothing to do with their money except investing in their workers and their companies, not their stock prices. Start collecting taxes from them. American business mentality is to borrow egregiously and make very risky bets. Then when everything goes wrong, deflect the negatives of the risk by having the Fed bail you out or game the system. How much longer can moral hazard be ignored, rewarding these inefficient and dangerous business practices instead of punishing the ever wealthier executors? Americans like living on debt, but the party is over. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The market bubble doesn't turn my stomach as much as the debt bubble. Unless you've bought recently on margin, a correction might sting, but it won't bankrupt you. Debt, however, needs its payments made. And if you've got one low payment too many, it gets ugly fast. Add a few trillion here to the debt and add a few trillion there to the debt and pretty soon, still, nobody gives a damn, because everybody knows that in order to keep the shithouse's walls from imploding, there will have to be another few trillion added here and another few trillions added there. That is called Ouroboros economics. Until now, it has been a discussion about billions. Now we shall hear a discussion about trillions. Three zeros difference. Zero is nothing until you keep adding them to the end of a number. And with the dollar devaluation coming, it will be quadrillions. Forget trillions. This is the Buzz Lightyear economics: To infinity and beyond. Well, at least we are in good hands. Our current president is the best president in American handling bankruptcies. He has a lot of experience, and that's what we need right now, one with experience. And now I understand what he was saying when he said, "I am the chosen one." Who else would be able to handle this pending, greatest bankruptcy in the history of mankind? After all, he's gone through 6 bankruptcies already. And America will become his 7th. The USA is a Republic run by Big corporations. Therefore, it is actually an Oligarchy. Elections will not stop this as it gets worse every time. The top 0.1 % of the Super Rich have decided who wins through gerrymandering and by keeping this antiquated Electoral College system, both favoring the top 1% of the population. Compared to the EU countries, the USA hard-working citizens do not have any universal health care system, no six weeks/ year paid vacation, no 38 hours of work, no nothing European citizens have. Why is that? Well, the taxation system is much fairer, military expenses are far lower, so Eu can afford to make laws favoring the interest of their voters. In the EU, the politicians are afraid of the voters; in the USA, they are afraid of Big Corporate America! There is no money in the banks. Your bank accounts reflect a measured value of somebody else’s unbridled power. We are allotted credits by the secret elite that allow us to live falsely believing they have not enslaved us. Capitalism is simply what communism sees in the mirror. Nothing is going to happen to fix our deficit because both parties (and people) are addicted to debt and never-ending GDP growth. There is no way out this other than inflation. It is not possible politically to cut benefits and raise taxes sufficiently to make any meaningful headway on the national debt. It is just too big, and the political and social forces against deep cuts and big tax increases are too entrenched. Fix the problem by cutting politicians' entitlements, politicians' luxury spending, and stop giving tax breaks to wealthy, who need to pay taxes on all income. Stop stimulus pay to big companies and to those who make over $90,000 a year and to noncitizens with green cards. Cut multiple living expenses to presidents with multiple security to adult family members. Now, that is a good bog start to boost our economy. Cut Federal salaries by 50 %. Cut Federal benefits by 80 %. Cut Federal Holidays by at least five days. Cut Federal pensions by at least 50 %. Cut congress pensions by 100 %. They do not deserve a pension for two years of doing nothing. Cut congress medical to the same the retired people get. Watch the budget balance in a hurry. - The Fed counterfeits dollars by the trillions, destroying their purchasing power and driving up prices. - Funds endless wars and welfare. - Creates massive and artificial economic booms, that must be followed by painful busts. - Bails out the politically-connected, creating an economy riddled with zombie corporations. Central planning is (as always) a disaster! The FED will bail till it cant bail anymore, complete economic warfare followed by the destruction of society. Post-Coronavirus, the situation will be two times or five times or ten times worse. Global depression is imminent and will continue for an indefinite period as depopulation, deleveraging, and decline are the natural state of things. Cast off the lifeboats...the Titanic is going down, and we'll be in small boats on very rough seas from here on. This was going to happen. Eventually, Coronavirus has just accelerated the timeline." 3 D's. Depression. Depopulation. De-dollarization. It's the New World Order. Serfdom. Destroy middle class, small business, pensions (public and private), 4o1 ks. Doctors can't even perform surgeries right now unless they are emergency surgeries. Virtually every business is suffering. When the formerly comfortable middle class loses everything, the government will come in to "save us," with public benefits and police state. No honor among thieves. The greed pandemic is upon us. The real looters are living in wall street, and they're looting our money by the trillions. I personally hold the Globalists and their Federal Reserve accountable for this Global Depression scenario. They are responsible for inflating the currency and all bubbles, enabling criminal behavior, and destroying the economy in the process. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. Leave me a comment. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!
Monday, May 18, 2020
👉National Debt Can Never Be Paid -- Global Monetary Reset to Digital Weimar Currency Coming !!
👉National Debt Can Never Be Paid -- Global Monetary Reset to Digital Weimar Currency Coming !!
The national debt is already at an absurdly incomprehensible number like $23 trillion, and increasing by the minute. We're already in a mathematical fantasy land beyond the limits of human understanding. A stack of trillion-dollar bills would be 67,866 miles high, or more than one fourth the distance from the earth to the moon. This means the deficit before the pandemic would've been a stack of dollar bills more than five times as high as the distance to the moon. The national debt is never going to be paid. It will ALWAYS go up. The Fed WILL monetize the debt at negative interest rates. The treasury debt the Fed will hold will have an average negative yield. They will pay the treasury interest, but in reality, that will just require a wind-down of reinvestment, so it actually isn't anything real. These are all ledgers with lots of zeroes. At some point, the Fed will have to buy ALL of China's holdings as they liquidate, and then ALL the social security surplus holdings. And they will pay well to keep rates very, very low. With negative interest rates--people will pull their savings from banks and buy gold (if they have brains). Banks will not lend to get less back. Scared people will stop buying and start hoarding cash. The economy grinds to a halt. This is the GREAT IMPLOSION, coming soon to an economy near you. The Fed is creating a bubble economy. Once people understand it is all about the Fed, maybe things will change;But not until then. They are using fear and misinformation to herd the sheep where they want them to go seems to be what’s going on today. Even Powell, Yellen and Bernanke are telling the congress not to worry about the deficit. Just keep spending. What he doesn't tell this naive Congress, and the president is that getting the government to spend even more reduces the government's power, and increases the federal reserves power over America. They want the Congress to keep spending in order to make our government as bankrupt as possible. The more deficit spending on our governments part, the better for them. This is what the purpose of this coronavirus agenda is. Bankruptcy for all, and the transfer of all financial control into their hands. They want to remove all financial power from world governments and place all financial power in the hands of this secret fraternity at the very top, who are in control of this international banking system. Their target is the removal of the US dollar and replacing it with their long-desired,one world currency, owned and controlled by this secret fraternity at the very top. Yes, the domination of this world by way of the monetary system. It isn't apparent yet, but it will be, when they put the icing on this coronavirus cake by pulling the plug on the world markets and creating the biggest market collapse in history. Why? They are currently bankrupting our governments. Now they want to place us in a complete state of hopelessness by bankrupting all of us individuals also. So, in the end, the people who created this evil will present themselves as our saviors by making us an offer we will have no choice but to accept. Accept our one-world currency in place of all other currencies, including the US dollar, and we'll bail you out. As I said, they will leave us with no other choice but to accept. And due to their power of absolute secrecy, all we have the power to do is watch the show. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell warned that the nation's unemployment rate could soar to 25 percent. Powell says a full economic recovery may not happen without a vaccine."Full Recovery Could Take Until End Of 2021. Will Require A Coronavirus Vaccine," Powell said in an interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes”.Why would a cartel banker/beancounter have a say as to whether a vaccine is needed or not? "Just following orders" will not be a defense, Powell. So, Fauci, the MD, became an economist, and Jerry Powell, the economist, is now a doctor. Do we live in a bizarro world ,or what! Those who wish to inoculate themselves against this flu should do so. If it works as advertised, they have their immunity. Those that do not wish to take the vaccine pose no threat to them. Compelling the rest of us to be vaccinated is going to be an interesting operation. A vaccine or market manipulation either will do it. The Fed has launched a series of efforts to keep markets functioning properly and has teamed with the Treasury Department on a variety of lending programs aimed at businesses and individuals. In addition, the Fed is buying corporate and municipal bonds. That’s come amid burgeoning unemployment crisis that has seen 36.5 million Americans file unemployment claims and the unemployment rate rise to 14.7%. Wall Street is just like Washington DC. It runs on loopholes. All you have to do is learn your way back and forth through the Maze of stupidity. The same people who sell the panic, sell the vaccine. Before COVID, there were 162 Million active workers. Current reports indicate there are 36 Million unemployed: so its at least 22%. However, this does not include part-time workers that were laid off and unable to file for unemployment benefits. It also does not include workers that have their hours cut. This party is just getting started . By this summer, the unemployment rate could top 40%, as the momentum builds. Those 36 Million workers aren't spending as they did. Probably more than 100 Million workers have dramatically cut spending. This is going to drive unemployment up much higher. Even if all states open up tomorrow, it is not going to be a return of business as usual. People are going to be reluctant to spend money, travel, eat out, etc., until they feel confident that the virus is gone and that the economy has stabilized. It is going to take many years. It took the US about ten years to fully recover from the 2008 crisis, and this one is much worse. People on the minimum wage have to spend 100% of their wages to survive. Billionaires spend 1%, with 99% disposable. They live, as opposed to surviving, on this. National Suicide, Expected to soar . The shooting starts shortly after the USD FRN reaches its intrinsic value as electrical bits and poorly absorbent toilet paper. Losing may be winning if the stupid masks, closures, distancing, handouts, bailouts, negative interest rates, alleged forced vaccination plans, etc. Turn fattened human flocks of idiot sheep into lean, hungry packs of intelligent wolves. Exciting times. That's what happens when counterfeiting enables deficit spending. Eventually, the world will realize the dollar is worthless with all this printing. Then this debt will be an issue and only an internal issue for us the Peasants. "It's the money, stupid." Founding Father axiom. It all depends on whether the US loses reserve currency status over a long period or a short period. The national debt is ballooning, and one day we would default on it. Math can only be stretched so long until an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. During 2008 bailouts, experts were saying, now is not the time to worry about the debt, we can address it once were past the crisis . The debt was never addressed, other than the Bowles/Simpson plan...which failed. I'm hearing the same thing now about this crisis and the staggering debt being piled on. Another frightening number on that debt clock is that of the total value of global derivatives. Judging by the fast-rolling number counter, it appears it's increasing by over$ 2.0m a second! Mind-blowing numbers, all just waiting to collapse when the defaults begin. Ever heard of 'marginal change' ?. The effect of one more unit on the whole. A sinking boat and that one pint of extra water that sends it to the bottom. A sinking economy with a Fed deficit. The effect of one more dollar of debt. The closer you get to the breakpoint, the more important the marginal change. Are we there yet? If not $25 trillion, then 25.1 trillion, 30 trillion, 400 trillion. Has it already happened? Is the economy finished, and we just don't know it? Already the word is out there is a massive problem. Interest rates are being forced lower because the country cannot afford to pay interest on the current debt. With low-interest rates, no one with a brain wants to lend the US money. The Fed has to step in. Now, the debt is faux debt (just zeros on the Fed balance sheet)-- and ready to implode. If this is not warning enough, what is? When I activated the US Debt Clock Time Machine for the year 2024 -- just four years from now -- it showed that at the current growth rate, we would see a national debt of $43.6 trillion! In four years! That is unsustainable! Something must be done right away to bring it down, or a disaster will occur within the next few years. America must pull its head out soon, or a calamity will soon occur! This is digital Weimar Currency. They won't even have the problem of printing on one side of a bill . That's why we are going to experience a monetary reset. This apparently happens to every monetary system not tethered to something that can't be printed out of thin air. That being said, The deficit can reach 50 Trillion or 100 Trillion! The small business issue came from the shutdown and excessive regulations for the most part. It will eventually become a problem, and the system will collapse. This shitshow will only get worse until the final collapse. So expect the unimaginable all the time going forward over the cliff. COVID was a convenient excuse the crash land this debt loaded, massively leveraged economy. The string-pullers opted for flight 1549 in the Hudson River rather than the Hindenburg zeppelin exploding and going down in flames. Strange how the Pandemic is so well coordinated and the New World Order "elites" are ALL singing the praises of an as-yet non-existent vaccine, which clearly is going to be compulsory with the implied threat of military force. The death rate in the non-high-risk groups, even using the inflated mortality numbers, is around 0.1%, so what is the scientific basis for a compulsory vaccination for all without any understanding of the risk/benefit equation for low-risk cohorts (most of the population)! Other than the social control . There remains the medical ethical principle of "Informed consent." Well, I am informed, and I don't consent. What then? Why are we still pretending that Covid-19 is a particularly deadly virus and that we must destroy ourselves out of fear of it? All those who want to be locked up forever should just go ahead and lock themselves up forever and leave us the hell alone. Why do people with horrific plans always insist that we have to join their suicide pact for our own good? The Hong Kong Flu of 1969 was way worse than this WuTangFlu, and they did not shut down the economy. This is an intentional sabotage of the world economy. The aims are many - to impose a worldwide plutocracy served by tech stooges and psycho scums, to impoverish people to the level they won't ever protest politically, to overthrow the role of people in politics that is on the rise ever since 1789. Call it whatever you want, but this is no pandemic. Get ready for millions of bankruptcies, loan defaults, and bank failures. Millions of retirees will lose almost all of what was promised as big pension funds fail. Powell admits it will get very ugly, and no one knows how or when this ends. If reopening brings on wave #2 and they have to close it all up again, kiss any recovery hopes goodbye. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Three TRILLION $ more debt planned and Powell says now is not the time to worry about it, only when the economy has recovered. What The hell ! We haven't worried about it for the last two decades since Cheney said "deficits don't matter." Our great economy has never been anything more than a bubble pumped up by endless debt thanks to the Fed Bank. The wealthy are doing great , and the bottom 50% are unemployed, maybe forever. The banksters are loving it and want to keep us shut down to do the most damage. We are in real trouble. Pray for a miracle. Bailouts, more printing, baby print, print. Insanity continues. With negative rates looming and is coming, FED can’t raise any rates higher, is too late for that, so their only option is going reverse, you are going to see some funny thing happening. The economy has been sparling for a long time, and not only in the U.S. Unprecedented access to cheap cash, lack of any fiscal responsibilities, plus mounted with other policies and reality has also produced a fallout. Now Banks is put a tight lid on “Line of credit access,” which basically is putting small businesses folks in the cold and not to mention others who have to meet certain obligation is putting them in a state of what is a sense. Lady in Casino dancing for the bosses is starting to sweat. She realizes she is expandable and no longer can entice them. MMT/QE’s etc. And top with it, they will squeeze the last amount of breath from anyone. ECB/Fed/BOJ and other Central Banks around the world, and don’t think China is excluded, fiat is fiat they flow same way just the value is different, are on a collision course of facing final act. Total Bankruptcy and insolvent of nations due to internal debt which is way beyond understanding and external debt of the rations to GDP debt, which is already putting heavy iron plates on their shoulders. They will default, and not only the U.S but all of them will not meet their obligation. So next scheme is Digital, but the game is the same; bosses are well aware of their needs. They all soft defaulted in 2008 when all of the major Central banks started QE, and never really stopped. The issue is now that with the shutdown of essential production, it is going to lead to shortages, leading to price controls\rationing and inflation. The entire industrialized world is switching over to third world status. I very much doubt digital will work. It just makes it much easier to create inflation, and it is 100% dependent on reliable data & power to function. The Government digital currencies will likely be too easy to print when they need it and will quickly collapse in value. The Achilles heel of the industrialized world economies is tax revenue need to balance government spending with production. Tax revenue as all but collapsed, while essential government spending has gone to the moon. The U.S. is a dollar exporter, and both parties' donors won't allow anything else. If we ran a trade surplus, Wall Street's casino would close. The American people don't understand how corrupt this country is. The aim is to fleece the people quickly into debt slavery, where the shirt on their back is owned by banksters. The powerless people on the bottom of the food chain get hurt the most, but the fat cats with political influence are able to get the big bailouts. Basically, the Fed has de facto created Royalty in the world. They are the elites, rich, bankers, and the well connected. They know that no matter what.The Fed will save them. The working man has no chance. The head of the country's financial system, Jay Powell, is saying the answer to the country's woes is social distancing and forced injections by the military. America is already finished as a country. The dollar will lose its status as the world's reserve currency. It won't be long, and we won't be able to trade our pretty pieces of paper in exchange for real goods and services. The federal government will have to spend at least a trillion less than it does now. We won't be able to get away with our trillion-dollar trade deficit much longer either. We've been getting a lot of Chinese products at artificially low prices for a long time. An iPhone would probably cost $5000 if it was made in America. Expect the 2020s to be a lot like the 1930s. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!
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